MITS – Medical Innovation & Technology Summit

Event Date: Wednesday 19 April 2023
Time: 10am – 5pm (followed by reception)
Venue: The MAC Theatre, Belfast

MITS will bring together professionals from right across the spectrum of health and life sciences, academia, start-up technology and established med tech businesses.

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About MITS

Recent global events have refocused attention on health systems and the urgent need for dynamic, accessible, and resilient healthcare across the entire value chain.

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Creating the conditions for excellence that underpin successful healthcare requires strengthening the whole of the ecosystem, aligning and integrating services with life sciences, medical technology and digital health, investment, and staffing, while making sure that patients and their needs remain central to the system.

MITS will bring together professionals from right across the spectrum of health and life sciences, academia, start-up technology and established med tech businesses.

The one day conference will be based in NI, but discuss the key issues relating to the booming med tech industry right throughout the UK, RoI and global industry

Format of the Conference

MITS will be a Med Tech focused conference, with two stages, allowing different themed tracks to run simultaneously.

We will hear from:

  • World leading thinkers,
  • Entrepreneurs,
  • Healthcare professionals
  • Key stakeholders for the industry.

MITS will offer sessions for medical experts, business, academia and industry thinkers

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Key Themes

Detection / Diagnostics:

Home diagnostics,
Artificial intelligence,
Remote monitoring,
Neurological disease detection

Medical Devices:

Regulatory landscape,
Pharma digital transformation,
Patient journey,
Clinical pathways,
Women in med tech,
Health economies

Digital Healthcare:

Digital health,
Digital medicines,
Digital therapeutics,
AI / ML / Data collection

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Who will attend?

Approximately 300 professionals from across:

  • Healthcare,
  • Life-sciences,
  • Med- tech
  • & wider industry ecosystem.

The delegates will be industry experts, leaders from business, academia & clinical backgrounds as well as public sector decision makers.

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Travelling to Belfast

Travelling by air: Closest Airport, Belfast City Airport & Belfast International Airport.
By Train: Lanyon Place

The Venue

The MAC, 10 Exchange St, West, Belfast BT1 2NJ

Our Sponsors

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MITS will bring together professionals from right across the spectrum of health and life sciences, academia, start-up technology and established med tech businesses

If you would like to be invoiced for tickets, please contact

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